High School Roundtable: College After Covid

In February, we kicked off our High School Roundtable with DWHS faculty and staff and independent Education Counselor Carolyn Francis to discuss the post-Covid college application process, taking a gap year, and more. Watch both recordings of College After Covid below.

To see what’s coming up next in our lineup, check our Events page.

College-Prep Checklist

Common questions that surface for high school students and parents include everything from when to take the ACT or SAT and how to search for schools. Download our 10-step checklist to help stay on track.

College-Prep Checklist

Recordings for the February Sessions of the DWS High School Roundtable

Part 1 — February 5, 2021

Part 2 — February 5, 2021

About the High School Roundtable

The High School Roundtable is a monthly webinar series serving DWS families. The aim is to bring guidance on navigating high school to the table.

Enrollment & In-Person Tours

The Denver Waldorf School is a Denver-based independent school that is currently enrolling preschool through high school students. Schedule an in-person to learn more on our curriculum, admissions process, financial aid, and more.

Spartan Senior Night

Celebrating Kobi McMillen, Alex Reynolds, and Jack Carr

It is with gratitude, excitement, and joy that we honor our beloved 12th graders on Senior Night — a DWS tradition taking place during the varsity boys basketball game on March 4th. About these incredible students, Coach Quinn reflected the following.

Kobi McMillen

Kobi is a four-year varsity player who has started the past two years. He was an integral part of two consecutive runs to the Regional tournament. His hard work and determination on the court were second to none!

Alex Reynolds-Scheel

Alex came to us a couple years ago from Chile and immediately made an impact with his relentless work ethic. He is probably the most supportive, protective teammate and team player I've ever been around. And he's an even better person off the court!

Jack Carr

Jack came to us two years ago from Florida after he came to visit the Carr family. Having never played basketball on an official team, he's made huge strides in these two years and has worked his way into a prominent position on the team including being a starter most of his senior year! He's become a strong shooter and continuously learns and improves on his game.

Faraway Family and Friends' Days

Thanks to all who joined us for this year’s Faraway Family and Friends’ Days in November. Please enjoy the recordings below as we stepped inside our 1st through 7th grade classrooms, and then sampled five high school elective classes including Water Research, Sculpting, 3D Cutting and Printing, Wind and Solar, and Mock Trials. Our students and faculty loved sharing their work with our extended community!

1st Grade Counting to 100

2nd Grade Morning Verse and Multiplication Tables

3rd Grade Singing in Rounds

4th Grade Singing A Mis Abuelos in Spanish

5th Grade Reciting The Song of Hiawatha by Henry Wadsworth Longfellow

6th Grade Reporting on the Countries of South America

7th Grade Singing Todos Juntos, A Chilean Song By Los Jaivas

A Handful of High School Electives

New Family Orientation

If you missed our New Family Orientation at the beginning of the year, the recorded session below includes a brief presentation to help you navigate as new member of our community. Welcome!

New Family Orientation on January 12, 2021

With Admissions Manager Brooke Camfield, Main Office Manager & Parent Council Co-Chair Carrie Tentori, Health & Safety Manager Christa Gustafson, Enrichment Director Dawn Archer, and School Director Kelly Church.

Enrollment & In-Person Tours

We are currently enrolling preschool through high school students and offering in-person tours. Connect with Admissions Manager Brooke Camfield to learn more.

First Grade Readiness and Assessments

If you missed our live Q&A on first grade readiness and assessments, please watch the recording below. Led by faculty members Nancy Blanning and Jessie Cartwright, this presentation gives prospective families a feel for what lies at the heart of Waldorf education.

First Grade Q&A on January 20, 2021

First grade is a child’s introduction to the collective being of a class. We nurture a deep reverence for the earth, compassion for classmates, and a healthy respect for every living thing. From knitting to numbers, fairy tales to falling leaves, we help first graders discover the wonders of our world and understand the rhythm of life. This year is the beginning of a multi-year relationship with their teacher.

Enrollment & In-Person Tours

The Denver Waldorf School is a Denver-based independent school that is currently enrolling preschool through high school students. Schedule an in-person tour to learn more on our curriculum, admissions process, financial aid, and more.


Parent Council Meeting: January 2021

For our first meeting of the new year, the DWS Parent Council was joined by School Counselor Jenny Thompson to discuss mental health through Covid-19 for both students and parents. Her presentation covered:

  • Mental health trends she’s seeing related to how COVID is affecting children
  • Tips to parents about how we can be one step ahead of these problems
  • Ways parents might engage in self care.

Following the mental health presentation and live Q&A, parents broke out into smaller groups by their children’s ages. Scroll down to watch the recorded meeting and presentation. Or visit Jenny’s Corner to access tips for parents and students, mental health resources, and more!

Resources for Talking About Racism

We also want to share some resources from the Center for Racial Justice in Education for talking with kids about race, racism, and racialized violence.

Meeting Minutes

Click the button below to download the minutes from the January 2021 Parent Council meeting.

Download the minutes

Recorded PC Meeting and Mental Health Presentation

Accreditation Discussion with School Director Kelly Church

We would also like to share a discussion on independent school accreditation with Kelly Church from a Parent Council meeting held last Spring.

Take a listen

Waldorf Group Meditation Practice

Please enjoy the recordings of our monthly Group Meditation Practice led by Dr. Adam Blanning of the Denver Center For Anthroposophic Therapies.

For full details and dates, please visit the Group Meditation Practice event page.

Group Meditation Practice on January 6, 2021

Group Meditation Practice on February 3, 2021

Group Meditation Practice on March 3, 2021

Group Meditation Practice on April 7, 2021

Group Meditation Practice on May 12, 2021

Group Meditation Practice on June 9, 2021

The Plan Forward: January 2021 Town Hall

Date: Monday, January 4, 2021
Time: 6-7:15 pm
Location: Zoom

This event has passed, but you can watch the recording and see answers to questions that arose below.

During the January Town Hall, School Director Kelly Church covered the path forward with Board Co-Chair Ryan Gregory, Business Director Laurie Thompson, and faculty members Dawn Archer, Vernon Dewey, Alexa Krakauskas, and Kimberly Martin.

Catch the Recorded Town Hall

If you missed the evening event, you can watch the recording below. We will post audience questions and answers in the coming week, but please contact us if you have questions of your own.

Answers to Town Hall Questions

During the Town Hall, we received the following questions. Please feel free to contact us with more.

When will looping begin, and what teachers will be in which loop?

All students will continue to have their same teacher next year to minimize disruption to all classes and assist the whole team of teachers with a transition to the eventual loop in which each teacher will remain. The first time some families will see a change in teachers is the 2022-2023 school year.

Why loop 5-8 instead of 6-8?

Although we recognize the strengths and practicalities of a smaller looping model, we also aim to balance that with a loop that adds longevity and continuity. The four-year span retains immense continuity and depth of relationship between class teacher and student. The bonds that are built between the class teacher and the students are critical, and we wanted to ensure that this deep connection can continue. When possible, beginning with a 5th grade teacher allows this bond and relationship to strengthen before the middle school years begin.

What about project days?

Although we are looking at increasing our contributions, community involvement, and community service throughout the school, the specific project day schedule will occur in grades 1-8. Occasionally the high school students will also join in on project days but are focused on retaining and increasing their week-long community service trips.

What is the plan for eurythmy?

For the 2021-2022 school year, DWS will remain without a eurythmist. We will continue to look at ways to encourage healthy movement and hope to bring eurythmy back to Denver in some way in the future. There is a shortage of eurythmy teachers in the US, and it has been difficult to find someone who could develop and strengthen that program as the full-time program we want it to be.

Are there any plans for a virtual talent show?

Yes! We loved our virtual talent show last year and it felt like such a wonderful opportunity for our community. This will be a late spring event, but we hope to give plenty of notice so you and yours can get your acts together. Maybe we can talk Vernon Dewey into rock and rolling with us again?

When can we go back to school more as “normal” (no masks, no cohorts, etc.)?

The schools have yet to get any guidance on this. We know that vaccinations and testing availability within the community will get us closer, but we are unsure of this time when guidance for schools will be different than it is now. We stay in close contact with broader school networks to continue to understand all protocols and practices.

Financial Aid Webinar

If you missed our live Financial Aid Q&A on December 19, 2020, the recorded session below includes a brief presentation on DWS tuition adjustment (TA) and scholarships. We are also hosting another webinar on January 12 at 5:30pm MST.

DWS Tuition Adjustment and Scholarships

Curious about DWS 2021-2022 tuition or financial aid application and deadlines? Learn more about tuition adjustment and need-based scholarships.

Financial Aid Q&A on December 19, 2020

With Admissions Manager Brooke Camfield and School Director Kelly Church.

Enrollment & In-Person Tours

We are currently enrolling preschool through high school students and offering in-person tours. Connect with Admissions Manager Brooke Camfield to learn more.

The Bacon is Served!

A very special thank you to all our Holiday Hams, Colorado Gives Day donors, and all who attended our virtual event! This year we raised $116,500 in donations and could not be more proud of the outpouring of support from our community and beyond.

Want to make further contributions to The Denver Waldorf School? You can donate on our Colorado Gives Day page any day of the year!

Get a Taste of the Hams Who Made Our Event a Success

In case you missed our Holiday Ham-a-Thon or just can’t get enough of the awesomeness that ensued during the event, we’ve brought you a second helping below. Enjoy!

Act 1 — Mahdyeh Nowkhandan’s Persian Dance

Act 2 — Spicy Interview with Leo Bond and Kelly Church

Act 3 — Jenny Thompson’s Family Musical Performance

Act 4 (and Winner!) — Alexa Krakauskas’s juggling

Act 5 — War of the Worlds Radio Play with 2019/2020 High School Seniors and David Johnson

Act 6 — Mahdyeh Nowkhanden’s Bellydance

Act 7 — Carla Abate Performing John Prine’s Angel from Montgomery

Act 8 — Zoombombing of Spacial Dynamics with Charlie Orphanides

Act 9 — Ian Shirkey Performing Celtic Tunes

Act 10 — Sarah Box’s Video Accompanied by The High School Performing John Lennon’s Imagine

Act 11 — Mahdyeh Nowkhandan’s Fusion Dance

Act 11 — Vernon Dewey & Tom Clark Performing Zoomed and Confused

Act 13 — Bedtime Story (Vasalisa, the Beautiful) Told by Dawn Archer