Virtual Town Hall: February 9, 2022
If you missed the virtual Town Hall hosted by The Denver Waldorf School on February 9, 2022, please watch the recording below. During this event, we heard from DWS Directors Kelly Church, Vernon Dewey, Brie Kaiser, Jen Lamboy, and Laurie Thompson as well as Board of Trustees Co-Chair Ryan Gregory and Operations Manager Christa Gustafson.

Answers to Community Questions
During the virtual Town Hall, we received a couple of questions, answered below by Finance Director Laurie Thompson.
A distinguishing feature of Waldorf education is the depth of our first through eighth curriculum that addresses the educational and developmental needs of the whole child. In addition to their classroom teacher, students have dedicated teachers for handwork, woodwork, choral music, instrumental music, Spanish, physical education and movement. Our high school offers a very low student/teacher ratio, employing teachers with specialized knowledge and experience in the core subject areas and additional adjunct teachers for a wide variety of elective and specialized classes.
As an independent school we provide all administrative and other student support in-house, rather than relying on the larger infrastructure found in a public school system.
We have a comprehensive five year budget that is managed in conjunction with the Finance Committee and the Board of Trustees to ensure that all school wide priorities are balanced. Budgetary priorities are based on our mission, which is the delivery of a robust Waldorf education that meets the criteria of both ACIS (Association of Colorado Independent Schools) and AWSNA (Association of Waldorf Schools of North America) through which we are accredited.
Onward and Upward: May 2021 Town Hall
Date: Monday, May 17, 2021
Time: 6 pm
Location: Zoom
During the end-of-school-year Town Hall, we heard from School Director Kelly Church, Board Co-Chair Ryan Gregory, Health and Safety Manager Christa Gustafson, and faculty members Dawn Archer and Vernon Dewey.
Watch the Recording

The Plan Forward: January 2021 Town Hall
Date: Monday, January 4, 2021
Time: 6-7:15 pm
Location: Zoom
This event has passed, but you can watch the recording and see answers to questions that arose below.
During the January Town Hall, School Director Kelly Church covered the path forward with Board Co-Chair Ryan Gregory, Business Director Laurie Thompson, and faculty members Dawn Archer, Vernon Dewey, Alexa Krakauskas, and Kimberly Martin.
Catch the Recorded Town Hall
If you missed the evening event, you can watch the recording below. We will post audience questions and answers in the coming week, but please contact us if you have questions of your own.
Answers to Town Hall Questions
During the Town Hall, we received the following questions. Please feel free to contact us with more.
When will looping begin, and what teachers will be in which loop?
All students will continue to have their same teacher next year to minimize disruption to all classes and assist the whole team of teachers with a transition to the eventual loop in which each teacher will remain. The first time some families will see a change in teachers is the 2022-2023 school year.
Why loop 5-8 instead of 6-8?
Although we recognize the strengths and practicalities of a smaller looping model, we also aim to balance that with a loop that adds longevity and continuity. The four-year span retains immense continuity and depth of relationship between class teacher and student. The bonds that are built between the class teacher and the students are critical, and we wanted to ensure that this deep connection can continue. When possible, beginning with a 5th grade teacher allows this bond and relationship to strengthen before the middle school years begin.
What about project days?
Although we are looking at increasing our contributions, community involvement, and community service throughout the school, the specific project day schedule will occur in grades 1-8. Occasionally the high school students will also join in on project days but are focused on retaining and increasing their week-long community service trips.
What is the plan for eurythmy?
For the 2021-2022 school year, DWS will remain without a eurythmist. We will continue to look at ways to encourage healthy movement and hope to bring eurythmy back to Denver in some way in the future. There is a shortage of eurythmy teachers in the US, and it has been difficult to find someone who could develop and strengthen that program as the full-time program we want it to be.
Are there any plans for a virtual talent show?
Yes! We loved our virtual talent show last year and it felt like such a wonderful opportunity for our community. This will be a late spring event, but we hope to give plenty of notice so you and yours can get your acts together. Maybe we can talk Vernon Dewey into rock and rolling with us again?
When can we go back to school more as “normal” (no masks, no cohorts, etc.)?
The schools have yet to get any guidance on this. We know that vaccinations and testing availability within the community will get us closer, but we are unsure of this time when guidance for schools will be different than it is now. We stay in close contact with broader school networks to continue to understand all protocols and practices.
2020-2021 Reopening Plan: August 13, 2020 Town Hall- WATCH VIDEO
Date: August 13, 2020
Time: 6-7:30 pm
Location: Zoom or live stream
Denver Waldorf School hosted a virtual Town Hall with School Director Kelly Church and Dream Team Faculty Panel about our plans for reopening for the 2020-2021 school year.
Video Recording
For those who couldn’t attend live, enjoy our zoom recording below.
Town Hall: June 1, 2020 - WATCH VIDEO
Date: June 1, 2020
Time: 6-7pm
Location: Zoom or live stream
Denver Waldorf School hosted its 2nd virtual Town Hall with School Director Kelly Church and Dream Team Faculty Panel about our plans for next year and to celebrate this school year.
Video Recording
For those who couldn’t attend live, enjoy our zoom recording below.
Town Hall: April 27, 2020 - WATCH VIDEO
Date: April 27, 2020
Time: 6-7pm
Location: Zoom or live stream
Denver Waldorf School hosted its first virtual Town Hall with School Director Kelly Church. Viewers tuned in via Zoom or watched the live stream on our website or on our Facebook page!Kelly addressed our community’s most common questions about the road ahead.
Video Recording
For those who couldn’t attend live, enjoy our zoom recording below.