Thanks to all who joined us for this year’s Faraway Family and Friends’ Days in November. Please enjoy the recordings below as we stepped inside our 1st through 7th grade classrooms, and then sampled five high school elective classes including Water Research, Sculpting, 3D Cutting and Printing, Wind and Solar, and Mock Trials. Our students and faculty loved sharing their work with our extended community!
1st Grade Counting to 100

2nd Grade Morning Verse and Multiplication Tables

3rd Grade Singing in Rounds

4th Grade Singing A Mis Abuelos in Spanish

5th Grade Reciting The Song of Hiawatha by Henry Wadsworth Longfellow

6th Grade Reporting on the Countries of South America

7th Grade Singing Todos Juntos, A Chilean Song By Los Jaivas

A Handful of High School Electives