Our lineup of online events are open to all, as we aim to highlight the benefits of Waldorf education. For more on all happenings at The Denver Waldorf School, please refer to our school calendar.
3 events found.
College Nights
College Nights: College Engagement and Success
Parents and students are invited to attend the April session of our monthly College Nights series with DWS College and Post-Secondary Guidance Counselor Laura Shope.
College Nights: Preparing to Apply for College
Parents and students are invited to attend the May session of our monthly College Nights series with DWS College and Post-Secondary Guidance Counselor Laura Shope.
SAT and ACT: Overview, Perspective, Preparation – Grades 10 & 11
Denver Waldorf School 2100 S. Pennsylvania St., Denver, CO, United StatesTake time this evening to learn about the recent changes impacting standardized testing, how this has altered your student’s options […]