10 High-Performance Attributes of a Waldorf High School Student
And Why They Are Important for Success

Make sure your teen’s school prioritizes these traits. Click here to download the high school checklist now!

The world is breathing.

As one, the people in it are lunging forward at a rate faster than ever before. Driven to keep up with constant advancements and innovations in technology and techno-human interaction, the places available in society morph and mutate ceaselessly.

A place in society is foundational to an individual’s wellbeing. And though change happens so quickly today and many struggle with internal turmoil as a result, there are those who seem to thrive in this emerging socio-economic environment. In many cases, they not only adapt but drive change. They seem unphased by the insecurity of changes in their job description, responsibilities, available technology or anything else.

They are not only successful, they thrive. But why?

The attributes of those who bloom in today’s fluid world are simple, but must be cultivated early in life and tested in the teen years. Waldorf education is designed to not only educate, but enhance the development of the whole child. As a result, Waldorf educated students emerge from high school with these ten high-performance, highly demanded attributes.

Empathy. Empathy is not just for counselors, teachers, and therapists anymore. Today, empathy is a basic life skill that can be neither overlooked compensated for. As automation becomes an ever more present in our daily interactions, the ability to relate to each other on a deep level becomes increasingly important in interpersonal communication.

From sales to medicine; from customer service to engineering, those who cannot empathize, build relationships, and predict need cannot excel in their work.

Academic Confidence. It’s long been understood that confidence, one’s belief in themselves, is the spice of success. However, overreaching confidence can become detrimental when not focused. Academic confidence is specific. Waldorf high school students are challenged to learn that they can learn. They leave high school confident in their ability to identify problems and investigate solutions.

Curiosity. Innovation is the currency of today’s economy. But there can be no innovation without curiosity.

Curiosity is the insatiable drive to find the answers. There is a difference between solutions and answers. A solution may address the observable result of a problem, but the solution is the end of the road until another problem arises. Conversely, one who seeks answers seeks to understand a problem to the fullest. Curiosity drives Waldorf graduates to observe, investigate, and understand on a deep level, driving innovation and long-term progress.

Experience. What is experience, and how can teenagers get it? Experience is failure. For many parents, it’s just so difficult to let our children fail. We want to spare them the pain. We fear failure will hurt their confidence. We believe the road to success is paved with achievement. It’s not until college or even later, when our children fail for the first time in their lives, that we discover we failed to prepare them to recover and learn from their mistakes.

In high school, youth are driven to make sense of the world. They build the assumptions and belief they’ll take with them into the rest of their lives. Experience, particularly the experience of overcoming failure, helps young people develop into resilient adults.

Personal Development. Before adulthood, personal development is a physiological function of growth. Later, however, we must actively and consciously endeavor to continue growing toward our best selves.

Waldorf education prepares graduates to strive continuously toward personal growth and development. They’re challenged not only to examine the world around them, but the world within them. And they career this ability into the rest of their life.

Holism. Holism is a philosophy which presumes that parts of a whole are intimately interconnected. But it’s not just a philosophy, holism is a way of life. Waldorf education teaches students to explore the interconnectedness of the world, which develops into a deeper understanding of the systems that move the world.

A holistic mindset is vital to an individual’s wellbeing. Recognizing the interconnectedness of internal systems empowers an individual to truly understand and serve themselves, promoting resilience and true health.

Self-direction. In a world where change is the only thing we can count on, it’s not enough to wait for instructions. To be successful, one must be able to assess circumstances and direct their own actions. This is so not only for employment, but for life.

A self-directed individual can look beyond the norm to piece together a fulfilling life for themselves based on their own needs and joys. These are the individuals who are least susceptible to mental illness and spiritual fatigue.

Make sure your teen’s school prioritizes these traits. Click here to download the high school checklist now!

Intrinsic Motivation. How do we determine which actions have value, and which do not? How do we prepare our children to do the right thing, to follow the difficult path even when there is not measurable reward on the other end?

We empower them to motivate themselves.

Where behaviors motivated extrinsically depend on a clear and measurable reward offered from another party, intrinsic motivation comes from within. Those who are intrinsically motivated, who develop the ability to motivate their own behavior, are more consistent in their pursuits, and therefore more successful long term.

Problem Finding. Problem solving is important, but those focused on problem solving can’t get ahead. When change occurs as rapidly as in today’s world, problem solvers take a back seat to problem finders.

Problem finding is a profound skill. The problem finder can envision a topic, examine it from many angles, and preempt problems that may arise. Problem finders can test solutions before implementation, resulting in change that promotes greater cohesion. They excel at assessing concerns in both tangible and intangible circumstances, making them driving innovators and more compelling communicators at once.

Courage. All the skills in the world are useless without courage. Without the courage to ask the hard questions, find the answers, present those answers, break out of the mold and challenge the status quo, ability cannot manifest into results.


Don’t miss a thing on your high school tours. Download the high school checklist and take it with you.