Deep Roots Bright Future Gala 2024
Dear Denver Waldorf Community,
We are throwing a party and you are invited!!! I am so excited for the 2024 Gala: Deep Roots Bright Future on Saturday, April 13 at the Seawell Ballroom at the Denver Center for the Performing Arts from 6 – 10pm. We are going to have fun together raising money for our wonderful school with guest speaker Mike Schultz, a Live Auction, Silent Auction, and Special Appeal for the Artisan Courtyard.
What’s the Artisan Courtyard, you ask?? The Artisan Courtyard is where our students imagine, create and build through woodworking, stone carving, pottery and more! Our high school students are busy reimagining the space as a beautiful, functional place for them to work together and also hang out together. At the Gala you will see their renderings of the space and be inspired by how the Waldorf curriculum engages our entire beings- thinking, feeling, and willing- and brings a wholeness to our development.
If you find it fun to dress fancy then this is the occasion for you! Wear your most snazzy outfit. But do not feel obligated either.

See you there!